Camouflaged objects are seamlessly blended in with their surroundings, which brings a challenging detection task in computer vision. Optimizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) for camouflaged object detection (COD) tends to activate local discriminative regions while ignoring complete object extent, causing the partial activation issue which inevitably leads to missing or redundant regions of objects. In this paper, we argue that partial activation is caused by the intrinsic characteristics of CNN, where the convolution operations produce local receptive fields and experience difficulty to capture long-range feature dependency among image regions. In order to obtain feature maps that could activate full object extent, keeping the segmental results from being overwhelmed by noisy features, a novel framework termed Cross-Model Detail Querying network (DQnet) is proposed. It reasons the relations between long-range-aware representations and multi-scale local details to make the enhanced representation fully highlight the object regions and eliminate noise on non-object regions. Specifically, a vanilla ViT pretrained with self-supervised learning (SSL) is employed to model long-range dependencies among image regions. A ResNet is employed to enable learning fine-grained spatial local details in multiple scales. Then, to effectively retrieve object-related details, a Relation-Based Querying (RBQ) module is proposed to explore window-based interactions between the global representations and the multi-scale local details. Extensive experiments are conducted on the widely used COD datasets and show that our DQnet outperforms the current state-of-the-arts.
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Adapting object detectors learned with sufficient supervision to novel classes under low data regimes is charming yet challenging. In few-shot object detection (FSOD), the two-step training paradigm is widely adopted to mitigate the severe sample imbalance, i.e., holistic pre-training on base classes, then partial fine-tuning in a balanced setting with all classes. Since unlabeled instances are suppressed as backgrounds in the base training phase, the learned RPN is prone to produce biased proposals for novel instances, resulting in dramatic performance degradation. Unfortunately, the extreme data scarcity aggravates the proposal distribution bias, hindering the RoI head from evolving toward novel classes. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective proposal distribution calibration (PDC) approach to neatly enhance the localization and classification abilities of the RoI head by recycling its localization ability endowed in base training and enriching high-quality positive samples for semantic fine-tuning. Specifically, we sample proposals based on the base proposal statistics to calibrate the distribution bias and impose additional localization and classification losses upon the sampled proposals for fast expanding the base detector to novel classes. Experiments on the commonly used Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets with explicit state-of-the-art performances justify the efficacy of our PDC for FSOD. Code is available at
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Pedestrian detection in the wild remains a challenging problem especially for scenes containing serious occlusion. In this paper, we propose a novel feature learning method in the deep learning framework, referred to as Feature Calibration Network (FC-Net), to adaptively detect pedestrians under various occlusions. FC-Net is based on the observation that the visible parts of pedestrians are selective and decisive for detection, and is implemented as a self-paced feature learning framework with a self-activation (SA) module and a feature calibration (FC) module. In a new self-activated manner, FC-Net learns features which highlight the visible parts and suppress the occluded parts of pedestrians. The SA module estimates pedestrian activation maps by reusing classifier weights, without any additional parameter involved, therefore resulting in an extremely parsimony model to reinforce the semantics of features, while the FC module calibrates the convolutional features for adaptive pedestrian representation in both pixel-wise and region-based ways. Experiments on CityPersons and Caltech datasets demonstrate that FC-Net improves detection performance on occluded pedestrians up to 10% while maintaining excellent performance on non-occluded instances.
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Pedestrian detection in the wild remains a challenging problem especially when the scene contains significant occlusion and/or low resolution of the pedestrians to be detected. Existing methods are unable to adapt to these difficult cases while maintaining acceptable performance. In this paper we propose a novel feature learning model, referred to as CircleNet, to achieve feature adaptation by mimicking the process humans looking at low resolution and occluded objects: focusing on it again, at a finer scale, if the object can not be identified clearly for the first time. CircleNet is implemented as a set of feature pyramids and uses weight sharing path augmentation for better feature fusion. It targets at reciprocating feature adaptation and iterative object detection using multiple top-down and bottom-up pathways. To take full advantage of the feature adaptation capability in CircleNet, we design an instance decomposition training strategy to focus on detecting pedestrian instances of various resolutions and different occlusion levels in each cycle. Specifically, CircleNet implements feature ensemble with the idea of hard negative boosting in an end-to-end manner. Experiments on two pedestrian detection datasets, Caltech and CityPersons, show that CircleNet improves the performance of occluded and low-resolution pedestrians with significant margins while maintaining good performance on normal instances.
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蒙版图像建模(MIM)通过恢复损坏的图像补丁,在自我监督的表示学习中表现出了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,大多数方法仍在低级图像像素上运行,这阻碍了对表示模型的高级语义的开发。在这项研究中,我们建议将富含语义的视觉令牌用作掩盖预测的重建目标,从而提供了一种系统的方式来促进MIM从像素级到语义级别。具体而言,我们引入了矢量定量的知识蒸馏以训练令牌仪,该蒸馏器将连续的语义空间离散为紧凑的代码。然后,我们通过预测掩盖图像贴片的原始视觉令牌来预处理变压器。此外,我们鼓励该模型将补丁信息明确汇总到全局图像表示中,该图像表示该设施线性探测。图像分类和语义分割的实验表明,我们的方法优于所有方法比较MIM方法。在ImagEnet-1K(224尺寸)上,基本大小的BEIT V2可实现85.5%的top-1精度,用于微调和80.1%的线性探测的TOP-1精度。大尺寸的BEIT V2获得了ImagEnet-1K(224尺寸)微调的最高1个TOP-1精度,用于语义分割的ADE20K上获得了56.7%MIOU。代码和预估计的模型可在上找到。
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Modern object detectors have taken the advantages of backbone networks pre-trained on large scale datasets. Except for the backbone networks, however, other components such as the detector head and the feature pyramid network (FPN) remain trained from scratch, which hinders fully tapping the potential of representation models. In this study, we propose to integrally migrate pre-trained transformer encoder-decoders (imTED) to a detector, constructing a feature extraction path which is ``fully pre-trained" so that detectors' generalization capacity is maximized. The essential differences between imTED with the baseline detector are twofold: (1) migrating the pre-trained transformer decoder to the detector head while removing the randomly initialized FPN from the feature extraction path; and (2) defining a multi-scale feature modulator (MFM) to enhance scale adaptability. Such designs not only reduce randomly initialized parameters significantly but also unify detector training with representation learning intendedly. Experiments on the MS COCO object detection dataset show that imTED consistently outperforms its counterparts by $\sim$2.4 AP. Without bells and whistles, imTED improves the state-of-the-art of few-shot object detection by up to 7.6 AP. Code is available at
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边界盒注释表单是可视对象本地化任务最常用的方法。然而,边界盒注释依赖于大量的精确注释的边界盒,这是昂贵的,艰苦的,因此在实际情况下是不可能的,对于某些应用而言,关心尺寸的一些应用甚至是多余的。因此,我们通过将每个人作为粗略点(COARSOPPOINT)向每个人提供注释来提出一种基于点的基于点的框架,该框架可以是对象范围内的任何点,而不是精确的边界框。然后将该人的位置预测为图像中的2D坐标。大大简化了数据注释管道。然而,COARSOUNTPOINT注释不可避免地导致标签可靠性降低(标签不确定性)和训练期间的网络混淆。因此,我们提出了一种点自我细化方法,它以自重节奏的方式迭代地更新点注释。拟议的细化系统减轻了标签不确定性,逐步提高了本地化绩效。实验表明,我们的方法可实现对象本地化性能,同时保存注释成本高达80 $ \%$。代码括在补充材料中。
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现有的神经结构搜索算法主要在具有短距离连接的搜索空间上。我们争辩说,这种设计虽然安全稳定,障碍搜索算法从探索更复杂的情景。在本文中,我们在具有长距离连接的复杂搜索空间上构建搜索算法,并显示现有的权重共享搜索算法由于存在\ TextBF {交织连接}而大部分失败。基于观察,我们介绍了一个名为\ textbf {if-nas}的简单且有效的算法,在那里我们在搜索过程中执行定期采样策略来构建不同的子网,避免在任何中的交织连接出现。在所提出的搜索空间中,IF-NAS优于随机采样和先前的重量共享搜索算法,通过显着的余量。 IF-NAS还推广到微单元的空间,这些空间更容易。我们的研究强调了宏观结构的重要性,我们期待沿着这个方向进一步努力。
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在动态网络修剪中广泛探索了门控模块,以降低深神经网络的运行时间计算成本,同时保留特征的表示。尽管取得了实质性,但现有方法仍然忽略了特征和门分布之间的一致性,这可能导致所门控功能的失真。在本文中,我们提出了一种特征栅极耦合(FGC)方法,其旨在对准特征和栅极的分布。 FGC是一个即插即用模块,它包括以迭代自我监督方式进行的两个步骤组成。在第一步中,FGC利用了特征空间中的$ k $ -nearest邻居方法来探索实例邻域关系,该关系被视为自我监控信号。在第二步中,FGC利用对比学习以产生具有生成的自我监控信号的选通模块,导致特征和栅极空间内的实例邻域关系的对齐。实验结果验证了所提出的FGC方法改善了基线方法,具有显着的边缘,优于最先进的最先进的准确性计算权衡。代码是公开的。
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